Facilities management has long lingered in the background of businesses and workplaces. Unglamorous, underappreciated and sometimes undefined, the profession rarely receives recognition that reflects its importance.
However, as companies become increasingly concerned with getting the most from their resources, facilities management is gaining prominence. Efforts to deliver better customer service, improve staff productivity and use energy more efficiently can all rely on FM teams to create strategies and provide resources.
This year’s World FM Day on May 17th is designed to draw attention to this role of ‘Enabling Positive Experiences’ and Duncan Waddell, chairman of Global FM, says the theme recognises the vast range of industries affected by facilities management.
“The often unforeseen and disruptive forces in today’s world must be anticipated and managed to ensure stability and success in whatever sectors people seek the deliverables of the FM and their teams to ensure that outcomes and outputs of facilities meet expectations to enhance life whether it is at work, rest or play,” he says.
So how is FM enhancing life and enabling positive experiences in today’s workplaces? Some of the most basic examples include:
- Introducing new working practices and processes, and making the greatest possible use of space and other resources to improve productivity;
- Overseeing the installation and servicing of heating, ventilation, lighting and security systems to create and maintain the optimum working environment;
- Advising on an organisation’s wider environmental impact and helping it meet sustainability targets.
As demand for smart buildings and better air quality continues to rise, facilities management is set to play a major role in improving the working environment and the bottom line.